Acupuncture for quitting smoking
Acupuncture for quitting smoking becomes more and more popular nowadays. Smoking is one of the worst addictions in this world. Some smokers are consuming as much as two or three boxes of cigarettes every day. As we know, cigarettes can cause serious health problems. It has thousands of chemical substances and some of them are known for causing cancer. Other dangerous diseases can also be caused by cigarettes if consumed for a long time. Every year millions of people die as a result of smoking. Heart attacks, chronic pulmonary disease such as bronchitis, various types of cancer especially lung and mouth cancer, hypertension, birth defects are some of the medical disorders that are caused by the negative effects of a smoking habit. many people who are nonsmokers hate and dislike smoking habits as passive smokers can also be affected by the dangerous chemical substances from the smoke.
Actually, what makes cigarettes addictive is nicotine. This substance is one of the natural poisons contained in cigarettes. Nicotine is the kind of substance that makes you want to smoke again and again. That is why nicotine is considered a powerfully addictive substance.
Acupuncture treatment and quitting smoking
Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do. Honestly, it is a quite hard task. When people finally decide to quit smoking, they usually will face problems in the process that make them often give up. Most smokers will need two or more attempts in a long time to finally successfully leave the bad habit. Actually, all they need to do is to prepare themselves and focus on what they are aiming for. Some methods are also said to be effective treatments to help those people who want to give up their smoking habit. One of them is acupuncture. For years, acupuncture has been popular and known for its use as a treatment to cure various illnesses. Originated in China, this method uses needles which are then positioned under the surface of the skin at certain points of nerves plexuses around the body.
Before applying this treatment, there are some things you should know and understand about using acupuncture for stop smoking habit. These statements may help you decide and take the wise way to be a successful permanent ex-smoker.
Research Results on Acupuncture to Stop Smoking
Acupuncture, along with Chinese herbs and hypnotherapy, may not be as well-known as nicotine patches or chewing gum. Yet all of them can offer relief, especially in the active withdrawal phase when you’re struggling with fatigue, irritability, and nibbling cravings.
“Some individuals try acupuncture for quitting smoking because they can’t tolerate the medications used for quitting smoking,” says acupuncturist Jamie Starkey, LAC. “Unlike pharmaceutical medications, acupuncture causes minimum to zero side effects. In fact, it’s very common to notice side benefits like sleep or mood improvements. Other folks get acupuncture treatment as a part of an overall quitting smoking strategy. “
The cranial nerves, accessible through the ears, stimulate the nervous system to suppress the urge to smoke. We are not only trying to suppress cravings but also to engage in a relaxation response. We really manipulate the body using needles and targeted pressure to help people overcome their withdrawal symptoms.
Many people and physicians have said that acupuncture can be an effective method for helping people stop their smoking habit, but do they have the proof? Of course, according to several clinical studies, acupuncture had significant and clear benefits and positive effects on people who want to quit smoking. Research showed that other method, like nicotine replacement therapy, was also better but had a significantly less positive influence on smokers than acupuncture. Since there is numerous accurate evidence about the benefits of acupuncture for stopping smoking, we can say that this treatment is really effective. However, if applied correctly and in combination with hypnosis for stopping smoking, this method becomes the number one choice.
Acupuncturists focus on specific sections of the body for particular conditions. When it comes to helping smokers quit, pressure points in the ears are particularly effective in suppressing cravings. The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association even has a comprehensive protocol around this set of ear removal points for addiction.
In between acupuncture treatments, you can also use ear seeds at home – which work as a form of acupressure. It involves placing tiny balls on your ear with tape in targeted areas. This practice allows you to self-treat by applying pressure to acupoints on the ear to help calm the compulsion to smoke cigarettes.
It is believed and described by the ancient books that our body has an acupuncture point that can activate the “stop smoking” effect. This point is called, “shim men”, and it is located inside of your arm. The point precisely can be found around the crease of your wrist. The acupuncture point works in the way that it influences the taste of cigarettes. Thus, there will be some changes in cigarette taste that can only be noticed by smokers, and that makes their nicotine appetite go down.
This acupuncture point is however not enough for making smokers especially those who have been labeled as heavy smokers for years give up their bad habits. Other things, like self-control and a healthy lifestyle, are also needed for reaching your goals.
As it was officially proved acupuncture to stop smoking is one of the most effective methods. The most popular protocol in Acupuncture, however, is the so-called NADA, which assumes needling of the ear acupoints in order to modify cravings by harmonizing the energy flow in patients’ bodies, improve brain chemistry as well as help cure the diseases and medical conditions that are the result of smoking. As a result of NADA treatment, the body dumps out all toxins and residuals of cigarettes, cigars, and other forms of tobacco products. Five acupoints on each ear are supposed to be needled for NADA and depending on smokers’ condition this treatment might be performed once or up to 12 times.
For more information about stop smoking techniques and options visit
Acupuncture for quitting smoking reduces addiction and side effects of smoking
Although acupuncture for quitting smoking cannot change the smoking habit, it does have positive effects for reducing addiction and also side effects of smoking. the addiction can be described as uncontrollable wants/feelings to smoke while side effects of smoking include anxiety, irritability, anger difficulty in thinking clearly, etc. the side effects are a reflection of smokers’ needing feelings. All of them are quite normal since smoking is a part of their daily activity. When you have to leave something you used to do every day, there always will be an emotional situation that can make your mood change.
Support from family and friends around you is also needed in order to make the treatment work efficiently. The combination of external and internal support can help smokers do the right steps.
After acupuncture, you may have fewer cravings for food, less irritability, better mood, better bowel movements, and better sleep.
Stop Smoking treatment with acupuncture – methods, and techniques
There are numerous different acupuncture for quitting smoking techniques to help smokers quit smoking that can be learned by people including the smokers themselves. The first is the ear massage. To do this, you just need to put your thumb on the upper side in the widest part of your ear and massage in circular motions. Besides, you can massage the front of your ear which connects directly to your head, and also the small inner crevices there. Gentle pulls and circular motions can also be applied in the earlobe areas.
This technique of acupuncture for quit smoking is quite simple and can be done at home. Ear massage can help the body releases endorphins which are known as natural painkillers. The massage is also useful to activate acupuncture points that balance Qi in your body.
Effectiveness of acupuncture for smoking cessation
Acupuncture is believed to be an effective treatment that can help smokers to quit their smoking habit. What is important, is that there are multiple clinical studies that state and prove the significant and important role of acupuncture. We can say that this treatment can really work alone and successfully cure smoking addiction; however, this treatment is even better when performed along with hypnotherapy. To make it more effective find the center that provides both techniques (acupuncture and hypnosis). In many cases, homeopathic remedies used along with acupuncture for nicotine craving control may bring an unexpectedly good result. If done in a correct way and regularly, this treatment can have great effects on smokers. Trying to stop smoking is a hard thing to do, so besides doing many different treatments smokers also need support from their close ones and also serious intention to kick this bad habit out of their life. Applying acupuncture to stop smoking can be effective if combined with those things.
At Philadelphia Addiction Center, we have an outstanding experience in acupuncture to stop smoking treatment. Under the supervision of Dr. Tsan, this treatment is performed by licensed acupuncturists, and the majority of times this treatment is combined with hypnosis for stopping smoking as well as the use of homeopathic remedies that significantly decrease nicotine craving by infusing micro dosages of tobacco in the bloodstream of patients.
The goal of acupuncture for quitting smoking is to help curb the cravings you have for nicotine itself.
Generally, Dr. Tsan tells his patients not to smoke for at least 24 hours before their first acupuncture for quitting smoking procedure. If they take that step, it tells Dr. Tsan that patients have the mindset to be tobacco-free. Many times, a patient’s spouse has scheduled the appointment, or peer pressure prompts him to come in and he’s not really ready.
It is important to be mentally ready to quit smoking and that means agreeing with the idea of throwing those cigarettes away.
Once the patient has been involved, Dr. Tsan starts seeing him/her two or three times a week at first. Then the frequency of visits is reduced to once a week when the withdrawal symptoms wear off. Eventually, visits are stopped altogether when a patient is tobacco-free.
To schedule an appointment for quitting smoking procedure contact us at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling application.