Prices Contents hide 1 Share this: 2 Like this: Price list Service and Provider Approximate Length of Visit Price Initial Evaluation: Victor Tsan, MD 1.5 Hours $275 Acupuncture Evaluation and First Treatment, David Wu, LAc 1 hour $120 Follow-Up Visit: Victor Tsan, MD 30 minutes $100 Clinical Hypnosis, NLP, Victor Tsan, CHP 70-90 minutes $230 Anti-Tobacco, Smoking Cessation, Victor Tsan, MD, CHP 2.5-3 hours $375 Psychological Coding for Alcohol Addiction (Dovzhenko’s method): $2000 2 hours $2000 Esperal Implant: Alcohol Addiction Treatment—Victor Tsan, MD, CHP 3.5 hours $2500 Share this:TweetPocketShare on TumblrTelegramRedditLike this:Like Loading...