Exercises Fight Addiction
Exercises Fight Addiction – Really? Based on a latest scientific studies there are 5 ways in which Exercises Fight Addiction. Maintaining a fitness routine is paramount to having a healthy body. And while this is true for everyone, those struggling with substance abuse can also use exercise as a means to beat back Addiction for good.
Here are five ways how exercises fight Addiction in its tracks.
- Exercise makes the mind stronger. The American Psychological Association explains that people prone to anxiety and depression may be able to use exercise as a type of exposure treatment to help manage the fight-or-flight feelings that often entice drug use. It’s also theorized that exercise can act as a buffer against social and environmental stressors that may serve to trigger cravings. Yoga, swimming, and hiking are three fitness-based activities that have a positive effect on the mind.
Conclusion: By making mind stronger Exercises Fight Addiction
- Working out keeps the body feeling great. Exercise, specifically that which creates muscle contractions, forces oxygen throughout the body. It also increases blood flow to vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and brain. Weight-bearing exercises, including push-ups and free-weight training, can also keep joints and bones healthy and delay or prevent osteoporosis. These benefits combine to leave the body feeling whole and healthy, which can give a person the strength to bypass drugs and alcohol as a means of physical pleasure.
Conclusion: By keeping the body feeling great Exercises Fight Addiction
- Exercise helps you sleep. Many people use drugs in part because they believe it helps them concentrate and stay alert. Exercise can do the same thing and without the highs and lows. The human body is preconditioned to move during the day and rest and recharge once the sun sets. Regular exercise helps to restore the body’s natural rhythm, which is disrupted by drug use. Sleep deprivation has been linked to drug use in teenagers and students that are as young as seventh graders. In this study, the National Library of Medicine concludes that “poor sleep might lead to drug use.”
Conclusion: Providing good sleep Exercises Fight Addiction
- A fun workout routine is something to look forward to. It is a common misconception that exercise isn’t fun, and that mistaken belief is costing some people their lives. People new to exercise must understand that not all routines are the same. There are different types of exercise, and finding the right one is the key to keeping the body in motion. And if the health benefits aren’t enough, exercise can also be used as a form of recreation and social engagement and may become something that someone struggling with Addiction can look forward to. Dance classes and group-fitness boot camps are excellent examples of social exercise options.
Conclusion: Because a fun workout routine is something an addict is looking forward to, Exercises Fight Addiction
- Endorphins released during exercise may reduce and replace cravings. Morphine and other opiate drugs have a chemical structure similar to the endorphins released naturally by the brain during exercise. PBS’s Frontline explains that endorphins create an analgesic effect and can block pain while inciting feelings of euphoria. Morphine works similarly; however, where the body can control the amount of endorphins it utilizes, a drug user’s brain can’t tell endorphin receptors when it’s had enough. This creates a roller coaster of very high feelings followed by very low feelings as the brain begs the body to replicate the effect. Regular exercise creates chemical stability. The brain supplies the body with a steady dose of endorphins, making it easier to control cravings.
Conclusion: By releasing a high amount of endorphins Exercises Fight Addiction reducing and replacing cravings
Up to 25 percent of Americans report zero physical activity in an average day. Not working out can lead to issues such as obesity, which can develop into other health problems including chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. This domino effect continues when a person turns to drugs or alcohol to minimize the effects of the conditions caused by a lack of physical activity. It only makes sense then for those in recovery to add exercise to a recovery plan.
If you or someone you love is experiencing a substance abuse crisis, contact the National Helpline at 1.800.662.HELP
For treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction contact Philadelphia Addiction Center and ask how holistic medicine along with Exercises Fight Addiction.
Written by Rufus Carter